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Fence posts, slotted concrete

Concrete posts 7' long (2.135m)

Fence posts, slotted concrete

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£33.00 each

Slotted concrete posts include a full length slot or groove on each side which hold the fence panels in place without the need for any fixings. The concrete is reinforced along its length with concealed steel reinforcing bars set within the concrete which provide great strength. Two adjacent posts are required at each corner or change in direction.

Concrete fence posts are available in a range of lengths to suit your needs. The posts are set in the ground, normally in concrete. We recommend posts at least 2' or 24" longer (600mm) than the fence height e.g. 6' high panel requires 8' long posts. However, for best results with 6' high panels we recommend longer 9' posts, which are 3' or 36" longer (900mm) than the fence height. Longer posts are also recommended at sites with a significant slope. Gravel boards add 6 inches to the fence height so 9' posts are normally used with 6' high panels set on gravel boards.

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