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Durable easy-fit footpaths

Footpath 770mm wide x 2695mm long

Durable easy-fit footpaths

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£74.00 per kit

This kit is suitable as an 770mm (2'6") wide footpath for buildings with a minimum external size of 2795mm (9'2") long or longer with the slabs laid inside the walls with a few inches to spare. A durable eco-paving footpath is inexpensive and easy to install inside any greenhouse. The footpath is normally laid inside the greenhouse after the assembly is completed. The kit sometimes fits comfortably inside the greenhouse with a few inches to spare. Sometimes it is overlength but it can be cut to fit. Our durable eco-paving footpath is a practical and affordable alternative to slabs or concrete. Lightweight and easy to install, these recycled polypropylene pavers simply click together. The interlocking design ensures greater rigidity and spreads the weight. Our eco-pavers are self draining and fully relocatable, unlike paving or concrete. Our eco-paving is less brittle than concrete paving slabs, with a strong supporting structure. The surface looks and feels similar to pressed concrete slabs, with a slightly textured finish. Designed to spread weight, the finished floor or footpath is self draining and suitable for wheelbarrows. Each eco-paver is 385mm x 385mm and 40mm thick. Weed control membrane is included. Laying eco-paving directly on soil is not recommended. Eco-pavers can be laid on a layer of gravel or pea shingle if it is carefully compacted and levelled. Each paver should be fully supported. The picture shows the corner of a base with two eco-pavers upside down so you can see the sturdy construction on the underside.

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