Photos of Vintage Bench 630

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It has been admired by our neighbours and I have passed on your details to them.

Thank you for your security advice. It is now anchored with a metal chain and lock to a very heavy concrete parasol base which has a hole all the way through it. It is on the left of the bench with a plant pot on top.
Best Regards


On 24 January 2024 Heather wrote:

I just wanted to thank you for excellent service and very good value for money. I ordered the vintage bench yesterday. It arrived today. We assembled it in no time. It is very firm & good quality & is now in the front garden. We are trying to think of a way to anchor it to a railing as it looks so good and may attract a thief. Thank you so much.


Heather, Isleworth, London, TW7, Vintage Bench 630, 29th January 2024

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